Home of EcoArchitect LaVerne Williams, AIA, LEED AP
Leadership in Healthful, High Performance Green Homes & Remodeling / Green Architecture since 1975.
Fostering Sustainable Living Concepts & Practices with our design & consulting services and our public speaking / teaching engagements.
Architects for the First Certified PLATINUM LEED project to be completed anywhere in the U.S. by a Houston-based firm.
Architects for Houston's Budget LEED Home.
Architects for Houston's Passive Solar Demonstation Home which launched Texas Green Building Movement 1n 1979 with 30,000 visitors.
Architects for many more "Firsts" regarding green homes.
Specialists in "DESIGN FOR LIFE" (i.e., Design for Passive Sustainability: design for homes, land, and community as our lives depend upon it)
Keywords: Passive Sustainability, Healthy Homes, Green Architecture, Green Building, Climate Based Design, Leadership in Environmentally Responsible Architecture, Award Winning, Renewable Energy, Durability, Low Maintenance, LEED, Design for Life, Resilience, Transistion