Under the Leadership of Pastor West, The Church Without Walls is 1 church in 3 locations
The Church Without Walls is one church in three locations with over 20,000 members representing over 16,443 families in the Houston area. Under the Leadership of Pastor Ralph Douglas West, The Church Without Walls is devoted to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, the study and application of God’s Word and global outreach.
The Church Without Walls is devoted to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through the sharing of the teachings of Jesus Christ, the expounding of sound biblical doctrine, the study and application of God’s Word, continuous prayer, and through community and global outreach.
The Church Without Walls believes that believers are limitless in God’s possibilities. Therefore, no “walls” can restrict God’s people and “… all things are possible …” with God on your side.
Keywords: Church, Baptist Church, Houston, Houston TX, Texas, Northwest Houston, Southwest Houston, North Houston, Ralph Douglas West, Pastor West, Pastor Founder Ralph Douglas West, Brookhollow Baptist Church, The Brook, Bingle Rd, Queenston Campus, Eldridge Campus, Bingle Campus,